The children of the workshop present their new performance “Karagiozis and the Big Vengera”, on Friday 15 July, at 20:30, in the framework of the Angelini-Hatzinikou Foundation Festival, at the Horto Theatre.
Director: Stavroula Mastrogianni
Admission: 5€

Karagiozis, the beloved hero of young and old, will star in an original performance based on ideas, dialogues and improvisations of the group. The holidays begin and the Pasha and his daughter prepare to settle in the summer palace! Karagiozis is the captain of the big boat that will bring them and the whole troupe seizes the opportunity for a ride, diving, fishing and romance! The “big bengal” is a celebration like the old feasts that asked for simple occasions to happen. It’s everyone’s need for reunions and gatherings, treats, banter and laughter! Karagiozis makes sure that everything is done as it should be, so that the feast starts simultaneously in the bard and in the hearts of the spectators.