Motetii Vocal Ensemble

‘’Motetii’’ vocal ensemble was founded in 2019 and is comprised of eleven undergraduate and graduate students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki’s Department of Music Studies. The group’s repertoire extends chronologically from the 16th century to the 21st , with emphasis on renaissance and Greek pieces. The group’s aim is to highlight the richness of polyphonic acapella singing through the centuries by studying and interpreting it. The group’s first appearance was in 2019 in Athens, at the 7th Conference of the G.S.M.E (Greek Society for Music Education).
They have worked with established Greek choirs such as the ERT Choir, ‘Giannis Mantakas’ Choir of A.U.Th, ‘Solartissimo’ choir of Modern Conservatory of Larissa, ‘Coro Antico’ choir of Toumba conservatory K. Matsigos and others. They have also participated in choir music seminars with great conductors like Timothy Brown, Alkis Baltas, Dimitris Dimopoulos and others.